A “startup business”, by its name, refers to the age or lifecycle status of a business. A business may be a small business and a startup business at the same time.
A small business refers to a company’s size based upon certain criteria, either the number of employees it employs, or by its annual revenue. Generally speaking, a small business has less than 500 employees (as defined by the Federal Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy), but certain Federal and State laws affect small businesses with as little as 2 employees.
The website http://www.sba.gov is a helpful and informative government resource for small businesses. It also has a section devoted to startup businesses. However, the site does not assist in the interpretation or application of a business’s specific circumstances to the law. For that reason, when facing legal issues, it is always advisable to seek the counsel of a qualified lawyer like those at Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC.