Press Release
For Immediate Release
Two attorneys at Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, offer comprehensive tax services for the Northwest Arkansas region.
Rogers, Ark. – March 29, 2013
Stephen Butler Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, is a licensed Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in addition to his role as an attorney at the practice. They offer services ranging from tax litigation, tax preparation and tax planning.
Offering clients and the public a tax practice within the firm is a service Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, is proud to offer, as most firms in the area do not provide this unique service.
“What separates us, in this category, from other law firms is there are very few law firms in Northwest Arkansas that have a tax practice,” Stephen Butler, a partner at the firm and head of the firm’s tax practice, shares. “Most refer that out. So what makes us different is that I’m one of two attorneys at the firm who is also a CPA.”
Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, also handles the difficult and frustrating processes that can come with tax season.
“Everyone hates to open their mailbox and get that letter from the IRS or the Department of Finance and Administration,” Butler said. “It just makes you have a sick feeling. If you get into a tax controversy, a tax law firm can help you. That’s what we do.”
Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, is different from the standard tax service organization because they offer a more personal service and advise their clients as opposed to simply preparing their tax return.
“Most accounting firms and certainly the national tax program firms, they aren’t built to give you advice,” Butler said. “They’re built just to give you a product. You give them information, they give you a product. We plan. So a lot of my clients, I don’t just see them once a year for tax returns. I see them once a month. I may see them once a quarter. They should not be surprised at what their tax return looks like when they get it and I shouldn’t be surprised either.”
Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, is a law firm, located in Rogers, Ark., providing Northwest Arkansas the best in legal service. Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, lawyers have made Benton and Washington County their home and are committed to making Bentonville, Rogers, Fayetteville, Springdale and the rest of Northwest Arkansas a better place to live through providing matchless legal services in a timely, affordable manner. With attorneys specializing in nearly every major legal area Miller, Butler, Schneider, Pawlik, & Rozzell, PLLC, can help you today, no matter what your legal need may be.